How the market works

We have a list of locations, addresses and opening hours here.

You pay when you arrive at the market – you don’t have to pay in advance. Please read about our payment methodes.

As a non-profit co-operative, Lekkernassûh has to make sure that it orders only enough vegetables for those coming in a particular week. Everybody who wants to pay and collect. To do this, we ask that everybody who wants a package registers with us; and that you tell us whenever you don’t want a package.

This is easy to do, and is outlined below. We need to know by 20:00 Sunday evening, ahead of that Wednesday’s market.

How to register

On the registration form you’ll give some basic personal information, and be asked how many packages you’d like each week. You can change the number of packages from week to week.

If you are a member of you can earn hours by working at Lekkernassuh. (Read here how to contribute). You can spend these hours on buying your package, cheese, or spend them at the package free store. Of course you can also spend them anywhere else withing the Timebank community.

Once you’ve completed the form and registered, you’ll see a link on-screen. Your “Personal link”. This is the link that you’ll need whenever you want to change your details or status.

You will also receive an e-mail, to the e-mail address you specified, with your Personal link.

You can register here. The registration form is in Dutch.

Telling us when you don’t want a package

Use the link you were given when registering to tell us if you don’t want a package. All you have to do is change the dropdown marked ‘ACTIEF’ to ‘PAUZE’.

Please make sure you mark this correctly on the Sunday before that Wednesday’s market, the latest at 20:00.

If you mark yourself ‘PAUZE’ in a particular week, you’ll need to use the same link to mark yourself ‘ACTIEF’ in the week that you want your next package. You can remain inactive (or active) for as many weeks in a row as you like.

Have a question?

You can send us an email: Or more personal, speak to us at the market 🙂