Tag archieven: redonion


Week 13: 29 maart

English below

Het begint veel op de lente te lijken! Tijd om komkommer terug te brengen in je salades en op je broodjes. Deze week bevat het pakket ook wilde (of ‘grove’) spinazie, die pas wordt geoogst als het blad volgroeid is. Net als gewone spinazie is wilde spinazie rijk aan voedingsstoffen (vooral ijzer), maar de bladeren zijn groter en geribbeld.

We hopen dat dit pakket weer goed bevalt, vergeet alsjeblieft niet om zo nodig je status te wijzigen voor zondag 20.00 u!

Aanstaande woensdag in je pakket:

  • Komkommer | Frank de Koning in Brielle
  • 250 g Kastanje champignons | Heereco in Uden
  • 500 g Rode ui | P. v.d. Erve in Goudswaard
  • 150 g Winterpostelein | Beversoord in Strijensas
  • Knolselderij | Rozendaal in de Hoekse Waard
  • 500 g Rode bieten | P. v.d. Erve in Goudswaard
  • 300 g Witlof | Bonaventura in Ternaard
  • 200 g Spinazie grof | Bio van Dijk in Schalkwijk

Losse verkoop: O.a. Haagse sambal, chocolade, brood, eieren en kaas.

Helpende handen
Jouw wekelijkse groentepakket is het resultaat van de samenwerking van vele deelnemers uit de Lekkernassûh gemeenschap. Lijkt het je leuk om zelf ook regelmatig het wekelijks pakket samen te stellen voor Lekkernassûh? Wij zijn nog op zoek naar nieuwe inkopers! Klik hier voor de vacature (en hier voor onze andere leuke vacatures). Wil je meehelpen op de markt? Vul dan het marktschema in op: Schema marktverzorging.

Parkeren van je fiets
Kom je je pakket ophalen bij de Gymzaal? Vergeet dan niet om je fiets uitsluitend in de daarvoor bestemde rekken (aan de overkant van de straat) te plaatsen. Dit in verband met overlast voor de buren. Bij voorbaat dank!

Betalen met Timebank uren
Je kunt je Timebank uren gebruiken om je groentepakket, maar ook bijvoorbeeld kaas of producten van de verpakkingsvrije winkel mee te betalen. Timebank uren verdien je door bijv. op de markt mee te helpen. Meer weten? Kijk dan hier.

Verpakkingsvrije winkel
De verpakkingsvrijewinkel is elke zaterdag geopend, van 11:00 – 13.30 uur op de Witte de Withstraat 127. Ruimere openingstijden vragen om meer vrijwilligers. Wil je een keer meehelpen? Schrijf je in via deze link. Meer informatie over de winkel vind je hier.

Vergeet niet je status aan te passen!
Als je op woensdag een pakket wilt afhalen, dan moet je abonnement vóór zondagavond 20:00 uur op ACTIEF staan. En als je woensdag geen pakket wil, dan moet je abonnement vóór zondagavond 20:00 uur op PAUZE staan. Zo voorkomen we dat we teveel inkopen, en gaan we samen verspilling tegen. Bedankt daarvoor! Kijk hier voor meer uitleg.

—————————- English -—————————

It’s beginning to look a lot like spring! Time to bring cucumber back to your salads and sandwiches. This week the package also contains wild (or ‘coarse’) spinach, which is only harvested when the leaf is fully grown. Like regular spinach, wild spinach is rich in nutrients (especially iron) but its leaves are larger and ribbed. 

We hope you like this package again, please don’t forget to change your status by Sunday 8 p.m. if necessary!

In next Wednesday’s vegetable package:

  • Cucumber | Frank de Koning in Brielle
  • 250 g Chestnut mushrooms | Heereco in Uden
  • 500 g Red onion | P. v.d. Erve in Goudswaard
  • 150 g Winter purslane | Beversoord in Strijensas
  • Celeriac | Rozendaal in de Hoekse Waard
  • 500 g Red beetroot | P. v.d. Erve in Goudswaard
  • 300 g Chicory | Bonaventura in Ternaard
  • 200 g Wild spinach | Bio van Dijk in Schalkwijk

We also sell: Haagse Sambal, chocolate, bread, eggs and cheese.

Helping hands
Your weekly vegetable box is the result of the joint effort of many participants of the Lekkernassûh community. If you would like to help out on Wednesdays, please fill in the Market schedule. If you would like to participate in another form, why not check out our vacancies.

Bicycle parking
Are you picking up your package from the Gymzaal? Please don’t forget to only place your bicycles in the designated bicycle stands (across the street), to make sure we don’t inconvenience our neighbors. Thank you in advance!

Paying with Timebank hours
You can use Timebank hours to pay for your vegetable package, but also for example for cheese and products from the package-free shop. You can earn Timebank hours by helping out as a volunteer, for example at the market. Want to know more? Check it out here.

Package-free shop
The package free shop is open every Saturday from 11:00 until 13:30. Extended opening hours require more volunteers. Would you like to help? Sign up via this link. More info about the shop can be found here.

Don’t forget to change your status!
If you would like to pick up your veggie package on Wednesday,  your account needs to be set on ACTIEF before Sunday at 8 pm. If you don’t want a Lekkernassûh package coming Wednesday, your account has to be on PAUZE before Sunday at 20:00 h. In this way, we can ensure that we buy in the right amount of vegetables, and combat food waste together. Thank you! More information on how to change your status can be found here.

Lekker nassûh pompoen

Pakket week 2: 9 januari

Wednesday, January 9 we have put together a nice package for you, the first of the new year! With, among others, kale, pumpkin and parsnip. Furthermore, various products in the loose sales and packaging-free store. To the market!

Is your account already ACTIVE ?! If you want to pick up a package on Wednesday, January 9, your subscription must be active before Sunday night at 8 PM. So pick up your package. After all, it costs us a lot of extra work to give unrepatched packages a good repurposing. And if you can not do this once or if you do not want a package this Wednesday, you can set your season ticket to PAUSE on Sunday evening at 8 PM. Thanks for that!

Next week in the Lekkernassûh package:

  • 500 grams of Kale from De Woag from Neer
  • 500 grams Chicory from Reedijk from ‘s-Gravendeel
  • 1 Pumpkin from Beversoord from Strijen
  • 500 grams of Parsnip from Mts. Rozendaal from Strijen
  • 500 grams of Leek from Mts. Rozendaal from Strijen
  • 400 grams Red onion from Peter van Erve from Goudswaard
  • 500 grams of red beet from Peter van Erve from Goudswaard
  • 1 Paksoi from Rob van Paassen from Oude Leede

In the single sale we have:

    • Cheese from organic cheese in Kinderdijk
    • Bread from the Volkskitchen in The Hague
    • Eggs from Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw
    • Vegan, Raw and sugar free ice creams and chocolate from Alette
    • Pure skin care of pure, organic ingredients, from Liza from HAPPY MOON
    • Homemade dairy-free nutella, vegan crackers, and vegan banana bread from Elena and Edu (advance orders and personalized orders possible)

We look forward to seeing you on the market again!

==================== English version ============================ ====

We have the first package of the Wednesday January 9th, including Kale, pumpkin and parsnip. And of course as loose sales and in the package free store. See you at the market!

Is your account set to ACTIVE ?! If you would like to pick up a LekkerNassuh Package this Wednesday 9th of January Active 20: 00h. Please come and pick up your package. It takes a lot of extra work to find a clean veggies. If you are unable to come, or you do not want a package this week, please put your status on PAUSE before coming Sunday 20: 00h. Thank you!

Next week in your Lekkernassûh Package:

      • 500 grams of Kale from De Woag in Neer
      • 500 grams of Endive from Reedijk in ‘s-Gravendeel
      • 1 Pumpkin from Beversoord from Strijen
      • 500 grams of Parsnip from Mts. Rozendaal in Strijen
      • 500 grams Leek from Mts. Rozendaal in Strijen
      • 400 grams Red onion from Peter van Erve from Goudswaard
      • 500 grams Red beetroot Peter van Erve in Goudswaard
      • 1 Paksoi from Rob van Paassen in Oude Leede

Also we will sell:

      • Bread and snacks from the Volkskitchen in The Hague
      • Cheese from organic cheese in Kinderdijk
      • Eggs from Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw
      • Vegan, Raw and sugar free ice creams and chocolate from Alette
      • Pure skincare from biological ingredients, from Liza from HAPPY MOON
      • Home made dairy-free nutella, vegan crackers, and vegan banana bread from Elena and Edu (pre-orders and personalized orders)

We are looking forward to seeing you at the market!